'Gin' A Short Film.

We've had to delay our old film project 'See You Soon' due to lack of funding but that isn't dampening our spirits or slowed us down. In the mean time Velvet Film & More Productions has a new short film project for you, we call it; Gin. Gin is a short film about a young boy who is bullied, doesn't live in the best conditions and almost has nothing to call his own, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel for him when he finds something that will help this teenager get a little more than nothing for once. Gin is the young boy that a lot of us can relate to and by the end of the film you'll find yourself feeling envy that Gin found the chance we all want or work for. We have finally launched our Indiegogo campaign to try and raise £500 to help make the film we think you NEED to see as we work to make honest, entertaining and high quality films for you guys! Every contribution as a perk to give you in return; these perks included, signed shooting sc...