Ghost In The Shell: Our Future & Films.

Taken from Ghost In The Shell is the new blockbuster adaptation of the anime of the same name and with actors such as Scarlett Johansson attached to the poster you can’t go into this with rock bottom expectations. I was desperate to see this movie on the big screen, there was no way I was going to miss the cinematic experience of this movie; with the majority percentage being special effects, it is the perfect example of a movie made to be seen BIG. I’m not entirely sure where to start with this review, not just because it has been a while since I’ve posted one, but because there are a million and one things I want to say about this movie, but this is an analysis, not a novel so I’ll do my best not to ramble for too long, although avid followers will know rambling is my forte. Rather than talking about it’s relation to the origin anime, I’m just going to talk about the movie itself because this film has i...