Ollie Barbieri: A Patient Actor. INTERVIEW.

Here is my most latest interview with actor and Skins star Ollie Barbieri, where I got the chance to ask him general questions around the subject of his acting passion and career. This was a great interview for me as being a fan of his roles both in Skins and well known movie Anvahood. Rather than ranting on to you about things you already know, I found that Ollie's replies where so straight forward, clear and honest that I am just going to post the full interview below! Hope you enjoy it and relate to it as much I did, here is Ollie Barbieri and how he got the word ACTOR next to his name:

How did you get into acting?

It was back when I was in school. I was 16 and I’d had a minor fall out with my best mate. For this reason I decided I wasn’t going to spend lunchtime with him and my normal group of friends (that’ll show him!). I had heard that there was an audition going on in the drama hall for Skins that lunchtime so I though why not, I’d always enjoyed drama and performing after all. We all did some improv in groups and at the end, myself and another lad were asked by

Jane the casting director if we could come to Bristol the following day. We went along to that, I got called back again, and it went from there. I fell into acting completely by accident.

What are your inspirations?

Thats a difficult question. Im inspired by a great many things. It really depends on the situation. For example, I can be walking down the street and all of a sudden a great track will play on my phone and then I’ll just want to rush home and make music. Or alternatively, ill see a really slick piece of design and it will stick with me. In terms of acting, I’m a massive fan of naturalism. I think when you see an actor delivering a really true performance, working with a script that is lifted straight out of real life and it all comes together in a way that you could almost see as reality, that really inspires me.

How did you get to where you are now & what can we expect in the future…

Well as I’ve mentioned above, I fell into acting purely by accident. In the years since, I have done less and less acting, mostly because, something people don’t often realise about being acting as a career, is that its mostly being unemployed. You sit and wait for the phone to ring. I cannot do this, I’m the type of person who has to keep busy. Keep creative. At the moment its all about keeping doors open and seizing every opportunity. I do things which come my way. I still go to auditions and if something comes up, then thats fantastic, but for me at the moment, acting isn’t the be all and end all. That way madness lies.

 Go follow & keep up to date with everything Ollie: @OllieBarbieri



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