American Horror Story: Denis O'Hare ARTICLE/INTERVIEW.

This is amazing Velvet People (My little nickname for this imaginary gang we are all in), the interview I have posted below is with none other than the brilliant, brilliant actor named Denis O’Hare famous for his roles on the stage as well as Gus Van Sant’s Milk (2008), True Blood (2008-) and the award winning show American Horror Story (2011-). Now I won’t lie, I am a huge lover and respecter of AHS which is why this interview is so exciting because not only did I get to talk to an amazing actor, I got to question him on AHS.

Denis is known by AHS fans as either Lawrence/Larry, a burns victim who lost his family or Spaulding, the butler that cut out his tongue with love and loyalty and has a strange obsession with dolls. These are both every strange and different characters to play and Denis himself does not seem like your twisted type, but that is what makes AHS so brilliant and Denis so talented, you believe him, love and hate him. I wanted to know what Denis’ points of view of these characters were and what is was like to play them;

What was it like to play those specific roles in AHS?
Working on AHS is a very rare kind of experience.  You are handed a brilliant idea, the outlines of a character, and Ryan Murphy trusts you to bring to it your ideas and passion and turn it into something living.  For Season 1, the only thing I knew about Larry was that he had been burned in a horrible fire and that it had something to do with the death of his family.  So I took that and I ran with it.  With each new episode, however, I got more information and the picture became cloudier.  Larry's wicked sense of irony emerged as well as his slavish devotion to Jessica Lange's character.  The biggest kick for me came later in the season when I received a script that showed how my family had really died. My wife killed herself and my two girls.  Up to that point, I only knew what the audience knew - I thought I had killed them but suddenly I was like - Wha?  I love that.   
In season 3, Ryan approached me and told me that my character cut out his tongue for love of Jessica's character.  Oh, and that he was the butler of the house and at one point would be having tea parties with his dollies.  That was enough for me.  I was immediately intrigued and signed on. What I loved about Spaulding was the same thing I loved about Larry - their integrity.  These are characters who know exactly who they are - they are honest about their aims and dreams - they are chained to their trajectory and they ride that trajectory bravely.

I agree with Denis about loving the surprise, Ryan Murphy is quite obviously a talented writer and knows how to make sure his characters get the life they deserve.  You can tell just by watching Denis even in just a scene, he is Larry or Spalding and the trust on set and between Denis and his characters is a great portrayal of emotion and horror. Denis makes working on AHS sound like extreme fun as much as extreme work; I must admit I am slightly jealous!

AHS is well known for its reoccurring cast; Evan Peters plays Tate Langdon, Kit Walker and Kyle Spencer along the three seasons and you have Jessica Lange playing Constance Langdon, Sister Jude Martin and Fiona Goode. Now the rumours about AHS season four are finally being turned into facts; it will be called American Horror Story: Freak Show, now if you don’t watch AHS each season has a different narrative, season one was Murder House; based on a house filled with murder and ghosts. Season two was titled Asylum; based in a asylum in the 1960’s filled with secrets, religion, aliens and of course, crazy people. Season three was titled Coven based on a coven of witches fighting enemies and trying to discover the next supreme with jealously, murder and The Seven Wonders. I feel this is brilliant, it means they can’t take a story too far, they can’t keep the same characters going to an extent where you get bored, your always on your toes where anything can happen and once it ends that’s it, like a great film chopped up into tiny bits.  Due to articles and Ryan Murphy’s words we can expect to see Jessica Lange’s appearance in the fourth season which is great news! There is also a rumour of Sarah Paulson and Evan Peter’s returning, which would be amazing, but don’t take my word for it just yet. This being said, can we expect another Larry or Spaulding?

Do you see any more roles in future in AHS?
I don't know what the future will hold for me and AHS - I love working on the show - so, fingers crossed.

It’s all very exciting, definitely already on the edge of my seat and the season hasn’t even started yet. With little information that is permanent I will talk no more of AHS and end this article/interview with a few words about Denis himself and what inspires him;

What are your inspirations?

When I create these characters I rely chiefly on the writers for inspiration.  Good writing gives you great hints and great raw material and the writing on American Horror Story always delivers.  I also draw on my own research and I do lots of research for every role I take on.

Follow Denis: @denisohare
Follow AHS: @AHSFX 



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