Sia 'Elastic Heart' Video; Nothing But Art!

Right since everyone else is going mental and voicing their extreme argument about Sia’s video for her new single ‘Elastic Heart’ I thought I’d stoop to their level to voice mine. I’d like to start on an unprofessional level by saying that people’s comments about ‘sexual tension’, ‘sexual dancing’, etc are ridiculous; I say this not to be a dick but as an appreciator of art and that’s all this video is, art. It’s been a long time since a music video has made my eyes moist until I saw this video, as a fan of Shia LaBeouf I am not surprised his portrayal was emotion filled and hypnotic and as for Maddie, she is younger than most of us with talent I can only dream of gathering. With saying that I don’t think their talent was used to make a video with underlying tones of sex and paedophilia, we leave borderline offensive sex appeal with Nicki Minaj and the rest. Which leads me to another point; why is everyone moaning about a video with contemporary dance yet barely anyone moaned about the Anaconda video, in fact it encouraged more parodies and the rest, that involved images of the female butt just as much as the original! Dear god, realising how old I sound!

 Anyway I am getting off point, I just want people to look at the beautiful and artistic side of this video and put it in the history books as a video that finally showed an audience something pure and honest rather than the video that allowed an audience to watch Shia trying to rub up a young girl.

At the end of the day this is only my opinion and unfortunately like most media based arguments I am only one voice against millions, all I ask is you give it a chance, if it offenses you I apologize. However there is a bigger chance it won’t and you may actually enjoy it. I am not necessarily a fan of this kind of music but it still got me, so you don’t even need an open mind; who doesn’t enjoy lazy entertainment?

Watch the video here!



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