Timothy Murphy; Good Work, Good Role.

Timothy Murphy is another great Irish actor who has played some great roles over the recent years, some of these roles include award winning TV Shows Sons of Anarchy and True Detective, as well as his spot as 'Fritz' on Disney's movie The Lone Ranger. 

Image Taken from Criminal Minds Wikia
When asking Murphy about his career as an actor, he simply told me that it began by him trying "an acting class in Miami...liked it". To the point answer that makes me think about it more, there is a great idea that floats around this; and that is that in one spur of the moment decision or a want for a new hobby or just to try something new, talents flare gun has shot and has now created another actor who will go down in film history with his work.

Murphy's credits of roles are in the region of 80 and are constantly growing, so I asked him, as I always do, about his inspirations when it comes to not just playing a role but also picking one and he couldn't of given me a better common sense answer; "A good script". 
River Phoenix once said "The character is more powerful than the person that creates them" but it is the actor who gives that power to the character, but to do that the actor must believe in the character and if the script is bad there will be no dedication, no religion to the character; as Murphy has pointed out and proven on screen, you can only do that with a good script.

After all this talk of Murphy's roles, fans can get excited about his part in now completed and upcoming film 'No Way To Live' which sounds beautifully gritty. IMDB's synopsis explains the plot as 'an interracial couple in the 1950's devise a plan to steal money and escape the bigotry of Southern American'.



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