Taboo Trailer Release.
Three days
ago the BBC uploaded the trailer for Taboo
on their YouTube channel and we are not disappointed; although there is some
mild disappointment that the trailer has been shown to us now when the show
itself will not be aired on BBC One till 2017.
The show is
based in the year 1814 around Tom Hardy’s
character, James Delaney, who
makes a return to London from Africa to inherit what his passed father has left
behind of his shipping empire. Delaney was believed to have died and his father
has created quite a reputation for himself, so the 8 part period drama is
Delaney’s war with the evil, selfish, determined people lurking in the shadows
around him.
My reaction
to the trailer was a good one, but I have to admit my happiness and hope at
this trailer and for the show is partially bias as I am a huge fan of both Hardy and Ridley Scott. However, I am an admirer and fanatic when it comes to
Victorian London and by the trailer it looks like they have captured the era
very well, making everything very gritty and dark to resemble the characteristics
of a lot of the people and plot line. Let’s not forget to mention the fact that
this is another project that Hardy
and screenwriter Steven Knight
have done together and with the
success of Locke and Peaky Blinders, who are we to suggest that Taboo may not be on par or even above
Check out
the trailer to understand the goose bump work of Tom Hardy who brings an insane life to a period drama and reminds us
that he is so talented. The trailer itself also reminds us that Knight
is a unique and valuable writer and that Ridley
Scott knows what to be a part of.
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