Years & Years; Guardians.

Throughout my life I have found much solstice in music; it's been my escape, it's been my rhythm and it's completed whatever style phase I am tragically going through at that time. However, in the nicest why it's only been the music for me, I haven't found a depth to it, well at least not for the past 4-6 years. I have definitely lost that strange bond with a band that I used to find so easy to tie when I was younger, perhaps I was more sensitive back  then or I'm listening to irrelevant music now, I have no idea! But that loose end has been tied once again, so worry not my Velvet-y readers, music is making me sell my soul to it yet and again and thanks to the band Years & Years, I have already passed it over and now just waiting for the receipt!

Years & Years Current Album 'Communion' 2015 Polydor LTD (UK)
I am quirky as I can be, or at least think I am, in my ramblin's and my articles, but I don't want to use that side of my personality for just a small while because in the simplest words; I believe this beautiful band and it's members are important, so I am going to ramble about that for a moment in an important-y way; Well, I'm going to try, PAH!

Years & Years (Pop/Electronica/Synthpop) are an inspiration as both musicians and human beings and it creates the only small happiness I feel towards our current younger generation for the fact that these lads are current and growing idols for homosexuals, heterosexuals, young, old and even those struggling with mental illness, not to mention budding and today's musicians. Front man Olly Alexander has inspired us all with his openness and reminding us that we are who we are and that is a beautiful, sexy someone, but at the same time never hiding the fact as a human we feel love AND pain. I adore Alexander for a recent interview he did with the Evening Standard in which he told them-*"I struggle with language, with the words we’re given for conditions. I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression, and on the one hand that’s helpful because there is a lot of support and routes out of there, but at the same time it shouldn’t define you, because everyone’s experience is so personal and textured". I have struggled with my own issues of depression, to a scary limit, that I have pulled myself from; and through my worst parts, I was not Sonni (or Velvet), I was simply known as rock bottom and as well as I have helped myself to be better, it now makes me sad to think of that person, but rock bottom was not who I was, I was always me, just something a little different and the easiest way to define that for a long time was by calling myself depression. So I thank Olly for making sure that this part of world knows that before it's too late or just the right time.
Full band photo of Years & Years,
Olly Alexander (Front)
Emre Turkmen (Left)
Mikey Goldsworthy (Right)

I have fallen in love with this band in which were created in 2010 and the honesty they convey not just in their music but in their own words during interviews; they have not separated themselves into two separate images of musician and person, what you see is who they are, whether they be singing, playing an instrument or chatting.  I relate very much to these guys, Olly in particular, as even with his strong, inspiring words of real issues, there is also no fear in showing an uncomfortable-ness that a lot of us carry even in our passion.

It has been a long time, like I said, since I have had a musical connection with a band that I have found myself, that is new and is an orchestra to the moments I am making NOW, rather than like songs my Mum played on repeat that turn me back into a child; this band has not only become my counselor but become a strong brick in the self that I building into.

I have written this piece, not just to spread the word of a successful band or to sell their recent album 'Communion' to you, but to suggest to you a band that is a community with it's arms open wide for all and show you a path where the minority of those we see on the TV, etc, are becoming a majority of true understanding misfits like ourselves. This is also a band that is worth checking out even if you aren't looking for something deep but wan't a good jam to dance to!

All in all, I adore the respect and support that this band radiates when it comes to sexuality and the self, there are so many issues with body image and who we should be and it's refreshing to see the young blood bleeding all over that bullshit and showing what we all are rather than what we should be. The lack of societal expectation and conformity gives you the room and the time to really sit back and listen to the music.

This piece is very bias, because as you may have been able to tell I have become quite the fan, but Velvet can't help but rant about what obsesses in her brain, you know that!
There is hope yet and there is help always and you can find that in a lot of creatives, I have found it in Years & Years and if you are struggling to find yours, these guys are definitely a golden starting point!

* Quote taken from:



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