The Show of All Time: 12 Monkeys.

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So, I am a bit of a late bloomer, but the saying ‘better late than never’ fits so perfectly for this moment, this new obsession in so many ways. I best warn you while I have you at the beginning *holds back intense urge to start quoting*, I may trail off into rantier rants than you have ever seen before here on Velvet and that rather makes you close the page right now, or you realise I mean some serious business and you need to hear what I’ve got to say; if you’re the latter, cheers! If you’re not, cheers also, you’ve still given me a view that sadly, but honestly helps with my insecurities from time to time, we all win! See, I’ve already started-STAY ON TOPIC VELVET!
Okay, so I finally swallowed the fear I originally had of a TV show adaptation of one of my favourite Gilliam/Sci/Mental/Dystopian movies and that, if you haven’t already guessed, is 12 Monkeys. The original 1995 movie was directed by Gilliam and written by David & Janet Peoples, and their original idea was inspired by a 1962 french sci-fi movie La Jetee by Chris Marker, inspiration within inspiration, movie within movie within TV; I know there’s a time reference in here somewhere, somewhere! Both Peoples and Marker are obviously and admirably credited in EVERY SINGLE EPISODE, which is one of the reasons I put aside expectations and judgement when I started the series, I read this in a way where I thought; they believed in their concepts so much that they constantly remind us where the origin came from and that’s respectful and brilliant and totally not for copyright issues.
The show is loosely based on the 1995 movie, I’ll say loosely again; LOOSELY. The first episode (don’t worry, no spoilers), at least the first half is basically the key scenes from the movie, it has the only scenes where I saw the film and the show in the form of an adaptation before moving on and seeing it as it’s own. I could sit here and make a table of all the similarities and differences but that’s pointless, it would make my loosely point redundant; this show is it’s own and we can thank every person involved for that, especially the writers; I’m looking at you Terry Matalas & Travis Fickett (who developed the show).
Forget that it’s an adaptation and focus on the fact that we are finally being given GOOD science fiction TV, like ACTUALLY brilliant. I think, in my experience, it’s hard for a TV show that isn’t Game of Thrones or The Walking Dead, to fill the big boots it tried to make for itself; but as you probably guessed, I feel that 12 Monkeys created the leather those boots are made of. In my experience of TV shows on the SyFy channel, I have struggled with either the story or the acting, but I feel like 12 Monkeys  is a show that can bring back a lot of faith not just for the channel but the genre of sci fi TV. I’ve made that point a few times already haven’t I? I would explain in a bit more detail as to why, but everytime I’ve tried so far, I’ve had to hold myself back from writing OMGOMGOMGOMGILOVEITILOVEITILOVEIT! Oh, wait...
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Right, so for those reading who have no idea what I’m on about, film or TV show, I should probably summarise the plot of you; Aaron Stanford plays the role of James Cole, the same named role originally played by Bruce Willis, who travels back in time to prevent a plague that kills 7 billion people. Yep, summarised! Within this we also have the dramas of love, friendship and family, that are portrayed in a way, that even though the topics exist within time travel, are still very relatable and real. We experience the highs and lows of fatherhood, being hopelessly in love but at arm's length and even for a very, VERY small second there is a moment of self harm; which although again was very small, it meant a lot to myself, as it’s a personal subject for me and it was not glamorized but at the same time not disrespected, it happened, it was helped and then Cole came in with his wise words and even though I wasn’t the character he was talking to or even in a bad frame of mind, I felt better, motivated almost. THAT was also due to great acting; I cannot talk about the acting enough for this show; as we can assume Aaron Stanford as our main man is just spot on, he captured the almost grumpiness of the original James Cole perfectly while turning it into Stanford’s own personal portrayal, in other words, you know he’s good if you're not missing Bruce Willis, that would mean desperate times. I can honestly say Cole is at the top of my character list (no one's really at the bottom though, Cole’s like 1 and then the rest are like 1.1). Todd Stashwick as hateable/lovable Deacon however, is one of my favourite male supporting actors, I won’t say too much because Deacon is kind of indescribable, he is definitely a sarcastic, ruthless entity that you need to experience yourself to get Deacon and why he’s fucking awesome. However, and because this needs to be addressed for all the right reasons, it is the WOMEN who make this show, kicking ass or twisting minds not a single female in the show is sexualised, made ‘wimpy’, they are all strong and brave both mentally and physically. We have Amanda Schull who plays Dr. Cassandra Railly (originally called Kathryn Railly in the movie) who showed us you can be intelligent, hopeful and a complete badass; her character and portrayal is one of the most human, suffering loss, heartbreak and becoming vengeful, you really root for Cassie to have a break. The only issue I had was getting comfortable with the basically role reversal of Cole and Cassie at the start of season two, but gradually they find a balance in themselves, also I imagine the apocalyptic wasteland wouldn’t make you all smiles and giggles...Barbara Sukowa as Jones, shows a woman that is grieving inside but on the outside is clever and in charge, all I can say is that I would not fuck with Jones. I love them all but the one who sticks out for me, and I can probably say most 12 Monkeys fans female AND male, is Emily Hampshire as Jennifer Goines (A role originally played by a man and Brad Pitt of all men) the mental patient daughter with the answers and the voices in her head; I was both excited and nervous about this portrayal for two reasons-Brad’s role was my favourite character in the movie and the representation of mental health. Again Emily is another actor who made an already created role her own and keeps us crying, laughing and yelling throughout both currently released seasons. As for the mental health, again it’s portrayed in a way it needed to be; entertaining, dangerous, innocent at times, but not disrespected and we see Jennifer’s voices as a gift, as knowledge rather than an illness, but that is because we are known, it those oblivious who see it as illness rather than truth, future, there are many endings….
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As a Sci-Fi buff, avid TV watcher and 24/7 emotional wreck, I can honestly say that 12 Monkeys hasn’t just entertained me but it has truly affected me, in a good way of course, and I know that sounds silly but it’s the truth. Between the puzzles and the relationships, this whole world, it has stolen my heart and I would pinpoint the moment it did or the reason it did, but I can’t seem to. I have literally seen myself ‘final ever episode cry’ halfway through a season. 12 Monkeys  is so many things and will get you thinking about one thing or another, I have found myself on the bus with my best friend leaning over to whisper ‘this already happened for some people’. This show is more than just good TV it’s faith and science getting along. It’s love and heartbreak going on a date. It’s time travel that makes sense without being dumbed down or belittle. It’s serious. Seriously good. Seriously addictive. Seriously whole and real. It’s something you seriously need to watch. And if my soapbox ramble about loving a TV show borderline inappropriately isn’t enough, I’ll summarise again; they go to 1944 during the war, they live in 2044, conspiracies, guns, action, creepy bad guys, beautiful good ones, TIME TRAVEL and Christopher Lloyd is going to be in Season three; you can choose your the long or short one to go with, but the long one was worth it!

12 Monkeys is returning to us with all new season three on Syfy 19th May and will be a weekend event airing all 10 episodes over the three days!

Follow the latest on the official 12 Monkeys twitter @12MonkeysSyfy



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