A Dreadful Poem: Goodbye Friend.

By Source (WP:NFCC#4), Fair use,

No more let life divide,
While Lily stands at Dorian's side
A proud once Frankenstein bride
Covered in immortal blood
Smiling with hypnotic eyes
While we root and cry for sweet Miss Ives
Whose strength is unending during her demise
With Ethan chandler, sorry Talbot I mean,
With a heart of gold but teeth unclean
Covered in red and boots filled with sand
No matter how beastly, he stands tall as a man,
With morals to follow but blindness to kill
Then there's Jekyll's ever demented will
For science and madness and 
Things to be cured
With Victor who stands genius yet a slave to being unsure
Of who he is or what he wants, consumed by his love and
His love for his demon is far too strong
And we all know love can make a person turn wrong
But that glass layer that covers his eyes
Makes him weepy and pink 
He is a man broken, a man on the brink
But what he knows we couldn't dream to think
All we can do is watch the glamour of the way Gray drinks
and they way that he glides when he dances around his house
With the earlier mentioned bride
With a look that can kill and hands that always give
Wearing a mask that makes us too enchanted to think
About the torment of what it means to live
Don't worry I haven't forgotten the creature, not John, not ever,
With a voice like poetry soft as a feather
And a face and feet heavy like stone
Fighting an ever growing need to not be alone
And when someone that lonely takes a minute and smiles
At familiar faces many miles
Away, holding hands with happiness and for a moment he can inject himself with happiness that way
But the smile, it's pricks in a sort of painful pleasurable way.
There's also Justine,
Who was washed clean in the murders of kings and queens
Too vile, too evil, too cold and obscene
But when talking of royalty and independent killer queens
You can't forget the greatest king of all
Dracula, the ruler of all who feed on blood and flesh and skin
As dark as the dickens and surrounded by kin
Who will do as he says due to control from his veins
The thick crimson potion that he can thank for eternal reign.
Of course, Sir Malcolm is a ruler of sorts
With money and title and hunting for sport
But he is no longer a ruler of class
But more of a father in his second chance
Of taking on children and not watching them pass
But rather sewing the wings to their backs and watching them fly
and I must say rest in peace Sembene I nod my head to you as a constant final goodbye.
There is so much to say for all of these creatures
There is so much beautiful darkness in all of them
They are the lost souls of a once great and gritty generation
Re-remembered beings, seen once as nightmares, now as sensation.
They relate to each other and they relate to me
There's so much more that now I can see
Because monsters alike, like you and me,
Are walking hand in hand 
Walking across the sand, walking on top of the sea
Being free in sadness and  being free with ends
Dying lonely but dying with friends
Dying each day, dying forever,
It is truly remarkable
What death can join together.

Words cannot describe my heartbroken feeling at the end of Showtime's Penny Dreadful. I had grown very attached to the characters and their stories and found a friend in each of them. Penny Dreadful to me was a revelation of sorts, a once in a lifetime moment to show even the people of the norm what it is truly like to be human and what it truly means to be a human who suffers. No one quite created a clear enough image of the constant questioned contrasting of Human vs. Monster, not like John Logan and although I will mope for quite a long time for the loss of the TV show turned personal friend, I can still watch the end with a smile on my face knowing that I have not lost it for lack of understanding or gorging judgement, but the simplicity of the end. So to salute the show above is a poem written by me just about the characters in the show, but honestly, if I went into more detail about them all, this poem would be the size of a novel! So for now, here is just enough to prove to you I am unhealthily obsessed.



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