Spirit In Art: Nate Maingard.

Nate Maingard/natemaingardmusic.com
Nate Maingard is a man of many talents and with a soul of gold ruling each one, we consider ourselves lucky that such compassion and kindness still exists in art. Bringing his ancestors on a modern journey with him, he brings new and old together for the love of music and storytelling.

When I see Nate or speak to him or listen to his music, I feel a calmness and a happiness that makes me think of great idols of mine such as Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison; Nate has his own side of his own art, just for some reason I have this connection between great writers and I feel Nate would strive just as well in the era of the greats with his very relatable and beautiful words.

In many opinions he rules over pop stars and rock stars, because he is honest and not run by a musical government of un-decisive suits. Nate reminds us of a freedom in art and I was lucky enough to interview the kind man himself, here's what he said:

V: What Inspires your music and writing?
N: The experience of being human in this great miraculous mystery we call life.

V: If you had to chose between writing for the rest of your life but never play music, and vice versa, what would you chose and why?
N: Writing, because I'm more a storyteller than a musician. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE singing and playing, but the most important thing to me is telling stories which ignite peoples' hearts and souls.

V: How did you get into writing and music?
N: Listening to amazing singer-songwriters and musicians of the 60's and 70's, as well as my dad's music. Raised in a family of readers, musicians, poets and lovers of stories...somehow it all just grabbed me.

V: Inspiring people such as yourself always have an interesting perspective on the world, so what is your perspective?
N: "Wake in your own time, find me in the garden, darling. Be my valentine, life is for the living, darling."

I also asked Nate about upcoming projects and fans can relax as the man is continuing to write and create new music and stories to tell, and when I interviewed him he spoke of working with The Lyrical Nomads on an EP. So make sure you head over to Nate's social media sites for new songs, updates and beautiful images from his travels.

You can also head over to natemaingardmusic.com and get free music downloads of his music!



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