I'm Ill So I Went On A Shop.

I may still be ill and extremely sleep deprived but I have decided to take a break tonight! Not before I waddled and sniffled my way to Waterstones and bought myself this!:
Now I should have saved this till last because this is by far my favourite one & the best one!
Next up on my "Haul" shall we say, just like the beauty queens on YouTube! I can be the ill blogger of randomness & well germs...ANYWHO! The next thing I got was this awesome mini magnetic bookmarks:
There's quite a few and they have Batman, The Joker & Robin on them as well as Catwoman!
Well next up, I think I may have gone a bit crazy with this new interest of mine, I seem to have become slightly obsessed with the movie On The Road. Now OTR was based on a book by a great author named Jack Kerouac, so I went out to by the book and I am enjoying it so far, however because I enjoy the samplings I have read of his work I kinda bought every book by him that Waterstones had...........luckily it was only three!
These beautiful books are titled; On The Road, Lonesome Traveler & Big Sur.
Next is (Yes there's more!), something simple I promise. I bought this smallish, nice notepad for notes and new story ideas I am working on at the moment, it's big enough to write loads in but also small enough to take around with me!
 GROOVY, right?
Now, no film lovers haul is complete without some classic movies, I didn't go all out today, to be honest I've had so much cold & flu remedy I am surprised I even picked up films and not HMV staff and tried to put them in my DVD player! Errr...moving on:
American Dad Season 7! Now AD is a personal favourite of mine and I have seen all the seasons but now I finally own S7 on DVD which means I can rewind, fast forward and watch special features until I become American....or a Dad...? Seriously guys, I need to sleep!
OZ the Great and Powerful, now I bought this because I swear I am the only one that hasn't seen it! Thing is, yes I loved The Wizard of OZ like the rest of you, but I was a bigger fan of the darker film Return to OZ. With this film it looks like magic and fun, but as a film lover someone has made a bright and cheesy film BRIGHTER & CHEESIER! Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong, I'll just have to see what Franco says!
Now I know most of you will join me on this one so I'm not going to say anything, except complain about how long it has taken me to own it!

 Right I am pretty sure that is it, but don't worry folks I wont let you miss out if there's more!
If you want to know prices of these items or where I bought them just tweet me @VelvetFilmMore or simply comment here!
I need sleep now before I write more random shit.
Early goodnight y'all!


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