I'm Ill So I Went On A Shop.
I may still be ill and extremely sleep deprived but I have decided to take a break tonight! Not before I waddled and sniffled my way to Waterstones and bought myself this!:
Now I should have saved this till last because this is by far my favourite one & the best one!
Next up on my "Haul" shall we say, just like the beauty queens on YouTube! I can be the ill blogger of randomness & well germs...ANYWHO! The next thing I got was this awesome mini magnetic bookmarks:
There's quite a few and they have Batman, The Joker & Robin on them as well as Catwoman!

These beautiful books are titled; On The Road, Lonesome Traveler & Big Sur.
GROOVY, right?
Now, no film lovers haul is complete without some classic movies, I didn't go all out today, to be honest I've had so much cold & flu remedy I am surprised I even picked up films and not HMV staff and tried to put them in my DVD player! Errr...moving on:
American Dad Season 7! Now AD is a personal favourite of mine and I have seen all the seasons but now I finally own S7 on DVD which means I can rewind, fast forward and watch special features until I become American....or a Dad...? Seriously guys, I need to sleep!
OZ the Great and Powerful, now I bought this because I swear I am the only one that hasn't seen it! Thing is, yes I loved The Wizard of OZ like the rest of you, but I was a bigger fan of the darker film Return to OZ. With this film it looks like magic and fun, but as a film lover someone has made a bright and cheesy film BRIGHTER & CHEESIER! Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong, I'll just have to see what Franco says!
Now I know most of you will join me on this one so I'm not going to say anything, except complain about how long it has taken me to own it!
Right I am pretty sure that is it, but don't worry folks I wont let you miss out if there's more!
If you want to know prices of these items or where I bought them just tweet me @VelvetFilmMore or simply comment here!
I need sleep now before I write more random shit.
Early goodnight y'all!
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