Never Stopping, Always Smiling: Melissa Clements. ARTICLE/INTERVIEW.
In the next part of this project I had the pleasure of
speaking with actress; Melissa Clements. Filmmaking, producing, etc are
important parts in what I talk about and practice myself, but you cannot create
some pieces of forever living art without a talented cast. So I spoke to
Melissa about acting, methods and the future.

Once finding that acting was for Melissa she then
worked to find herself within it; “I attended a summer course at Sylvia
Young Theatre School when I was 13 and was offered a full-time place which was
a dream! The school was wonderful, the first three days of the week we would
study our academic subjects and on Thursdays and Fridays we had dancing,
singing, acting and performance classes all day. After I went on to train
further and more predominantly in acting. I graduated Drama School and joined
with an agent. Some work I’ve acquired in this way and some I have managed to
find myself”.
Melissa has a range of experience within her career as an actress
including appearing in a music video with Bono, playing different roles within
different plays on stage and her first feature film role was in Head in the Clouds with well-known names
like Charlize Theron and Penelope Cruz. With having these experiences I asked
Melissa what she preferred, working on stage or screen: “I honestly really enjoy working
in both. It’s a privilege to perform for a live audience, there’s something
amazing in the atmosphere of a theatre which is very special. Screen work is
equally fascinating and somewhere you can observe others working as often there
can be time in between your parts (as long as you’re careful not to get in the
way on set!)”.
I always found it interesting about musicians and actors having warm up
methods or general methods throughout their art, however Melissa’s isn’t making
funny noises as she looks at herself in the mirror, Melissa’s simplicity and
love for her work gives her great views and performances. “I would say whatever the role,
research is key. If you’re playing somebody from an era other than the present,
read up on that time in history. Find out what daily life for your character
would’ve been like. It will help you no end!”
Now if you have read any of my interviews beforehand I love to ask not
just for tips but what inspires people to push forward and create, so of course
I asked Melissa what inspires her, Hollywood actors? Music? Maybe it’s just the
coffee? Not for Melissa, again it’s an understandable and simple view, “I’m
definitely inspired by watching other actors perform! I try my best to see as
much theatre and film as I can”.
So Melissa Clements, a beautiful woman and a beautiful actress, constantly
working at what she loves with a large smile on her face. Melissa’s simplicity
is truth and that will get her even further than her talent. So what’s next on
the list of our Melissa? “I’ve worked on a few short films recently
which has been really fun and I’m starting rehearsals in a few weeks for a
theatre tour of a Victorian play called “Ladies in Retirement”. So a really
lovely mix!”
I enjoyed speaking to Melissa and it’s not just because she told me she
was a fan of mine! However, I can certainly say I am a fan of her, not just her
work but also her personality. Melissa Clements is a name I feel will come out
of nowhere all of sudden and you will kick yourselves that it took you this
long to find her name. If you want to be actor, be true and make great
characters, if you’re a theatre fan then go watch Melissa in action!
Are you one of those people I have mentioned above?
Are you still trying to find your calling? Or maybe you’ve just started acting
and want to make a next step? Maybe you’ve been acting for a while and enjoy
hearing the words of fellow path followers, either way here’s some last words
by Melissa when asked for some tips: “There is no age limit on acting,
you can continue working for as long as you wish, so don’t take losing out on a
role to heart or get hung up on it. Start looking for that next opportunity and
go for it!”
Don’t forget to follow her on Twitter: @ClementsMelissa!
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