Ramblings Due To Whiskey & No Sleep.
My eyelids are heavy, when open my eyes pain with want of sleep, yet due to the 18 hours sleep I had the night before my body is in a chilled state, two sides having that annoying argument of 'what do you wanna do?' 'I don't know what do you wanna do?' In my mind I talk to myself, yet it is a man's voice I hear. I find this normal, a normal man, a normal voice, making normal points in a normal way, saying normally; "Without sleep, you're blinking will slow, you're walking will slow, you're breathing will slow, you're reflexes with slow. You'll be a slower version of yourself entirely, giving you the impression of a speeding and uncatchable reality that will cause you to ask the question 'What?' more than the traditional three time limit".
Now I have decided to stay awake the rest of the day and I'm at that awkward stage, my eyelids stay glued open and wide, my body no longer speaks but is pure silent after the whiskey binge I had last night, this now causes me to ache as my body has not had it's rest, it's temporary shut down to nurse away the alcoholism.
It's interesting isn't it, this not sleeping, the delirium causes you to make philosophical judgements about the simplest things, like time has frozen as you wait for the rest of the world to wake up and judge with you.
There's a clock in this room that I lay, a spare room, a room for the slightly less desirable paintings and pictures to be hung, a room for the towels to perch in large piles, folded almost symmetrical. A room for the 'only-needed-occasionally' things. There's a clock in this room that I lay that ticked and tocked like any clock does, but now that I can see it with the light on, a light bright above me with an un-shielding lampshade (I fear this is where Britain's sun has been hiding). Seeing this clock now, shall we say in the artificial sunlight, is more broke than my current sleepless train of thought. Although it ticks and tocks like any clock does, it's hands remain at between 8 and 9 minutes past 8. I love the irony that for 2 minutes out of 24 hours a day, this broken time machine is right. I find this with some human beings, just like the clock even if you asked it at EXACTLY between 8 and 9 minutes past 8 what the time was, you wouldn't believe it because it's still broken.
Here's some ramblings that happened in my sleepless night, thinking of turning them into something and thought I share them....there is more to it but lets see how this goes down!
Now I have decided to stay awake the rest of the day and I'm at that awkward stage, my eyelids stay glued open and wide, my body no longer speaks but is pure silent after the whiskey binge I had last night, this now causes me to ache as my body has not had it's rest, it's temporary shut down to nurse away the alcoholism.
It's interesting isn't it, this not sleeping, the delirium causes you to make philosophical judgements about the simplest things, like time has frozen as you wait for the rest of the world to wake up and judge with you.

Here's some ramblings that happened in my sleepless night, thinking of turning them into something and thought I share them....there is more to it but lets see how this goes down!
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