1,000 Pageview Give Away!

Hi Guys!

Basically my views are slowly going up and I am on 896 views! Which I am very thankful to all of you for! However I'm going to be selfish here and say it's not quite a thousand!

So for my fans and to get my blog out there even more, When I get to 1,000 page views I am going to do a giveaway for you amazing people! What the giveaway will include:

-A movie t-shirt (Of your choice!)
-A movie soundtrack (Of your choice!)
-A notepad and pen (To write your reviews in!)
-A DVD (Of your choice!)
-A shout out on my blog!
-My first YouTube video will be about you! Also you can record a message that I will upload in that video, where you can express your interest in Velvet Film, film in general or even your own blog!

What you need to do to be in with a chance to win is:

-Look at my blog and read one or all of my reviews, then send me an email (will be listed below) telling me what's your favourite review so far and why and your passion about film including your favourite movie of all time, to prove to me if you were to win you'd appreciate it all!

As soon as I get to 1,000 page views I will pick my favourite and you will be the winner!

So get reading and get writing, become Velvet!

Email: carpentersonni@gmail.com



  1. Interesting and intriguing idea. This post is two weeks old. Have you reached your goal yet? This post alone compels me to follow your efforts. Well, continued luck with your blog.

  2. Thankyou very much and yes I have, I now have 1,042 views :)


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