My Top 3 Writer/Director Inspirations

My Top 3 Writer/Director Inspirations!
Being an aspiring screenwriter and filmmaker, I get my inspiration and ideas for methods for most movies and writers, however there are three that I have admired and learned over the past few years of writing and watching movies. Now I have done this piece to talk about, but mainly their work and I hope some of their passionate movies are ones you go to watch after reading this.
1. Quentin Tarantino:
Tarantino is a name I do not need to go into much detail with as he is such a legend in himself, even if you haven't seen one of his movies you still know his name. I find he has a very brutal way of writing and filming, very brutal but realistic, the slight comedy within his films I feel tricks the audience into not realising what they are watching is reality, a reality he has made up but a reality all the same. Tarantino has a bloody abstract-ness to his movies which makes them unique, shows his genius through little rays of film. Tarantino's films include:
-Reservoir Dogs: Writer & Director, (1992)
-Pulp Fiction: Writer & Director, (1994) 
-True Romance: Story By, (1993)
-Inglourious Basterds: Writer & Director (2009)
-Django: Unchained: Writer & Director (2012)
2. Gus Van Sant:
Gus is a screenwriter and director that creates some honest work, fantastic projects, and he inspires me because his work is truly an art. You have some of his movies that are like abstract paintings; they don't fully fit together but everything is there for a reason and the bigger picture is beautiful. Other projects of his are like old photographs or photographs of the sky; you know it well but you do not understand it, you don't fully know why it's there or what its made of, but the sky itself knows. Gus is brilliant he is a pure artist in many sectors and is not afraid with his movies. I envy his honesty within his work, as well as his ability to create art out of thought at a much higher level than most. Gus Van Sant's films include:
-Drugstore Cowboy: Writer & Director, (1989)
-My Own Private Idaho: Writer & Director (1991)
-Psycho: Director & Producer, (1998)
-Good Will Hunting: Director, (1997)
-Milk: Director, (2008)
3. John Cusack:
John Cusack is a great actor and has produced and written a few movies, however it's only is work on one film that made me start to look into him which is; High Fidelity. Cusack wrote the screenplay, along with others for this movie, when filming he always gave suggestions, almost became a co-director in a way. The way he is in the movie and the work he did behind the screen I adore, also I love him as an actor. I find my inspiration for him comes from the person himself and the way he portrays people and I have always looked at his work, listened and learned from things he has said. John Cusack's work includes:
-Grosse Pointe Blank: Writer & Co-Producer, (1997)
-High Fidelity: Writer & Co-Producer, (2000)
-Hot Tub Time Machine: Producer, (2010)
So here they are three of the people in the industry I love to learn from and watch, they all have different styles, portray genres differently and I will continue to respect them as writers, directors and producers. Definitely look into them because their names are know for a reason.
Also I would like to mention a writer, director and producer I have began to look into and enjoy which is Christopher Nolan (The Dark Knight, The Prestige), I have stared learning about the way he works and as great as his work is already I do believe he is one to continue to watch as I imagine he is only going to get better.


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