The Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones Review

The Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones (2013)

Cast: Lily Collins, Jamie Campbell Bower, Robert Sheehan, Jonathon Rhys Meyers.
Based On: The Mortal Instruments: City Of. Series by Cassandra Clare.
Screenplay By: Jessica Postigo Paquette.
Directed By: Harald Zwart.

The Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones is a fantasy movie based on Cassandra Clare's novel series titled The Mortal Instruments: City Of. The movie introduces you to Clary, a normal teen girl who ends up seeing a murder in a club, a murder no one else could see. This man (Jace; played by Bower) who committed the murder then begins to stalk Clary (Collins), yet only she can see him. The two talk and Shadow Hunters and mystical creatures are introduced as chaos arises with the kidnapping of Clary's mother. Clary learns about shadow hunters; demon killers, people who are half angel that fight the dark underworld us 'Mundane's' cannot see. The fight for family, friends, love and sanity take you into a fantasy world filled with light and darkness and the race to get the mortal cup, before infamous mad man Valentine, comes close to it's end with no clear winner. Clary has a block on her memories and all she is determined to do is save her mother as she finds out the truth about who her mother is, who clary is, alongside struggling feelings of love that begin to grow for Jace and trying not to lose her best friend Simon (Sheehan) to a broken heart. Or vampires.

Sets in this movie alone are absolutely stunning, so much respect for the gang behind the camera as in every set, every shot you are overwhelmed with beautiful detail. Some of the sets within the scenes mix reality and fantasy together, with fights with creatures in a brightly lit, pure white kitchen. Some locations filmed, really show that even without fantasy there are some dark corners in the world.

The acting is great, I feel that Lily Collins did a great job, but do sometimes wonder if she 100% was the right Clary, she didn't let the part down but I feel something is out of place within her portrayal. Jamie Campbell Bower, for me, is a great actor, which is proved again in this movie and I feel that this is a surprising character for him to play, but he has the look that helps back up Jace's pride as well as a win over a female audience. Robert Sheehan as Simon was not what I expected he did it great, I just fear that he will end up too deep in Hollywood films and will have to adapt the american accent permanently, when I feel his Irish-ness is a big part of his personality. I made that point as I feel to make the character believable you really need to put part of yourself in there. Jonathon Rhys Meyers is fantastic in this movie, playing a manipulative, darkly seductive and borderline power hungry insane character and I feel he 'nailed it' greatly.

My negatives within this movie are some CGI points that could of been pushed just a tiny bit further as some parts are almost ridiculously fake. I understand that when you look at this film it is more for a younger audience in ways, however this is a world built for them should you not build it perfect? Another negative is that parts from the rest of the books have been put in the first movie, I do see why some points are made so that the film doesn't become an unsolvable puzzle, however I feel where it's almost rushed to get as much in as possibly some characters are not given enough time to portray their personalities in the book. These personalities are what make the book brilliant so I would've loved to see more soul within the pages of the script not just the pages of the book.

This is movie is great and although I find the book more successfully entertaining, I cannot say I was let down and I cannot say I didn't love the film, because I did. It's great for fans, it's fun for family and although it's annoyingly compared to it, I think this will be better or grow better than the Twilight series.

My Rating: 8.5/10



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