Place Beyond The Pines Review

Place Beyond The Pines (2012)

Cast: Ryan Gosling, Bradley Cooper, Eva Mendes, Ray Liotta, Ben Mendelsohn and Dane Dehaan.
Written By: Derek Cianfrance, Ben Coccio, Darius Marder.
Directed By: Derek Cianfrance.

Derek Cianfrance already got his name being whispered around with his movie Blue Valentine (2010), a flick also staring Ryan Gosling, however Derek has certainly made a mark with this gripping and original movie. Place Beyond The Pines is a story about stunt motorcyclist Luke who tries to reconnect with a former spark after finding out she had his child, the film follows Luke robbing banks to have enough money to support his son, but the film also shows with crime there comes consequence. The film then takes you along with Avery Cross (Bradley Cooper), the police officer that 'apprehends' Luke, showing parts of his life, his guilt and his inability to look at his own son due to the events that happen with Luke. Both of the mens lives can get you right at the heart, again the film shows consequence within crime and it shows that revenge or even just closure can be as great as justice.

Place Beyond The Pines is filmed within great locations ranging around the US, giving us beautiful landscapes and just general shots while the actors give the edge, although some parts of the film show this vice versa. The cinematography never lets you miss what you need to see, it also has a small amateur feel to it which obviously was put there on purpose. By this I mean, the camera moving like someone was just holding it and trying to get it comfortably in there hand or just the style of the shot/the type of film used, really makes the film look and feel as realistic as you can make a film seem.

With this movie I find that there is a good kind of action, there isn't too much, there's enough to make this film work. This story is more about the characters and relationships rather than the action so it isn't thrown in your face, but definitely can make you feel tense.

Speaking of characters and relationships I'd like to praise the actors in this film for just a moment, as the acting is borderline flawless. I say this because character is never broke you never lose that pull you have to one of or all the characters, they are so passionate within this passionate film that it can stick with you for a while, if not it can just make you proud of what ever one you have the biggest crush on!

I won't praise this film completely as no film is perfect, as amazing and beautiful as I find it, I do feel like it could of pushed a little further. I feel like I'm so close to the edge but it doesn't quite pull me all the way over, it did begin to but rather than keeping you clutching at whatever it is your holding the life of it seems to go up and down-stays down, then comes back up. Now that works on some films, but I feel like in this one, it drove off the dirt track for a little while.

All in all, this film is definitely one that I will be taking to University with me and I do believe you need to see it at least once!

My Rating: 8.5/10

Smaller note, the above conclusion being said the DVD is definitely worth the money, not just for the film or even the pretty cover but also the special features;

DVD Special Features: Deleted Scenes, Going to The Place Beyond The Pines Featurette and Feature Commentary with Director Derek Cianfrance.



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