This Means War Review

This Means War (2012)

Cast: Tom Hardy, Chris Pine, Reese Witherspoon.
Story By: Timothy Dowling, Marcus Gautesen.
Directed By: McG.

This Means War is a Rom-Com spy film about two CIA agents who both start dating the same girl, as they go on dates the other agent spy's on them, causing chaos and playing pranks to ruin each others chance with her. As the story follows this, there is a sub story that these agents are trying to capture a wanted fugitive, but the question of the friendship becomes a war between the two and causes them to have to pick between love, work or friendship.

McG is a director I hadn't known by name but I had known for his great work on Terminator Salvation (2009), this is a director known for action films or even action films with a twist, also directing Charlie's Angels (2000). Is this a director to look out for? That is up to you, I feel he has done great work but I do not celebrate him as a professional with every film he works with, like I do with directors like Tarantino.

Location is not a big part within this film with the characters being the main action, it's slightly glamorous sets within the film show that, (not trying to stereotype), it's a very typical American movie.

The acting in this is as great as it can be for a comedy, Chris Pine plays a cocky, handsome agent in which he is very good at and it especially helps he has the right face for it. I really enjoy Tom Hardy's performance within the film not just because he is talented, but it's great to see him in a different role, a character with a lighter side. Reese Witherspoon played a great character and to be honest I don't think she had to pretend about finding both main characters attractive!

This movie is one of many few Rom-Com's I enjoy but the pranks and jokes are great, the structure of the movie works. This movie, like most in this genre, can be 'cheesy', however the muscle and the action gives it that subtle edge. I think this movie is filmed great and in parts is hilarious, however I find more respect in other films. I may not respect this movie but I do class it as extreme fun.

The negatives within this movie is hard to find because I'm not a massive comedy watcher so I find; if it's supposed to be a comedy and makes me laugh then the movie has succeeded as that project. Although I will say as talented as she is, I fear Witherspoon does not completely fit within the characters.

This movie like mentioned before is a lot of fun, the action is good and the agents are even better. If you like a romantic film or just like the idea of being shocked by Hardy playing a character beyond opposite to his portrayal of Bronson, it may just be worth a watch.

My Rating: 7/10



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